Linking up with Kate Motaung Five Minute Friday
Two Year Anniversary
What makes you happy? A beautiful sunrise, the sky painted with the hues of purple, pinks or the striking orange that reflects a flaming fire. This morning sitting on the porch with my mother-in-law the simplest thing made her happy. Here she is struggle to breath as she has Chronic Obstructic Pulmonary Disesase, oxygen-dependent, vision-impaired and no real complaints. We live here helping her stay in her home. This makes her son and I happy. Too many elderly are cast aside instead of treasured. The parable of the good samartan in Luke 10: 25-37 shares that we need to care.
So what made her happy? She has a lizard that comes on the porch every single morning to visit, she has named him Joey. He waits to hear her voice. She shared with me that she talks to him and he did some push ups for her. I would never known this had I not taken the time to have a cup of coffee with her this morning. Once again, what’s in your cup and what make you happy?

French Vanilla Latte
August 7, 2016 at 7:32 amMy dad has dementia and, since my mum died, we support him to continue living in his home as he wants. It’s hard and frustrating at times. His life is revolves around increasingly basic functions.
But I appreciate your reminder that when we care for our loved ones and take time to look at life as they do, sometimes we are blessed with treasure. What makes my dad happy? Just having us visit. Sharing a joke, a bit of repartee and banter, with his grandsons. A meal together.
We forget the importance of such simple pleasures to our cost.
August 7, 2016 at 9:48 amDear Liz, that was the same for me….Blessings Diana
Mia Herne
October 3, 2016 at 3:29 pmOh Diana,
Your blog site is just beautiful and very inviting . Reading your blogs is inspiring me ! I need to take that plunge to write 5 minutes a day ! Where do I start ? I do have a neglected blog site or whatever it is called . Shall I go there ?
I so was touched reading about caring for your mother-in law. What special moments. Brings back memories when I moved home to care for my mom in the last years of her life. As an only child I had help with my dad as he was between care centers and hospital waiting for God to get his mansion ready . I cherish those last days with both my mom and dad. You know in the 10 Commandments there is only one that promises us a blessing. So very true ! How I would love to sit for a spell and enjoy a large pot of tea and a visit with you . Until then God bless ! Mia
October 3, 2016 at 4:52 pmDear Mia, I will email you the 5 minute October Challenge, it is not to late. to start. I am a part of here are the words and I have a landing page I will connect you to.
This is my landing page, I write and connect each blog to the master list here are the words for October, I participate all year every Friday. for the fiveminute friday gang…… love you diana. Thanks for visiting my blog.