52 List

52 List Project Week 5/ What I Am Grateful For


One would think this list on things I am grateful for would be easy to make. There are so many things I am grateful for. Where would I be without French Vanilla Creamer for my coffee. Of course, Starbucks for the Salted Caramel Mocha or French Vanilla Latte.  Or fresh strawberries, chocolate, and popcorn. How can I not be thankful for the ocean? Or a beautiful meadow leading down to a lake.

I am born into a family and some of my family members are closer than others. I would be remiss if I was not grateful for my family and my friends. I am still in touch with my very first friend, Trudy Moreno. By the way, I am grateful for the internet because it allows me to be in touch with family and friends. I am grateful for God and the ability to worship Him.

Yes I am grateful to God for all His blessings.

Below are just a few of the many blessings in my life.

How about you my friend. What are you thankful for?

*You can find all of my posts in this project by clicking the button below.


Linking up with Chasing Slow.

52 lists with Chasing Slow


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Chasing Slow
    February 9, 2016 at 8:03 am

    A colorful rainbow of promise . . . YES! Beautiful list of gratitude.

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