


My name is Diana Manley Rockwell. I am a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I sometimes struggle with who I am in Christ. How about you? As a child of God, I am Christ friend, I am justified, I am a saint who sometimes sins. I am free forever from condemnation. What is true of me is true of you if Jesus is the LORD of your life.

I was the daughter of a preacher known as a “Tentmaker”, a wife, a mother, and a grandma. I am a retired nursing case manager who helped people discharging from the hospital. I have had a wonderful nursing career. I am enjoying retirement. God has given me wonderful opportunities to help people who are hurting both emotionally through a Freedom In Christ Ministry at my church.

I have suffered from migraines, osteoarthritis, sinus problems, and obesity. I am at goal weight now but in October 2011, I weighed 233 pounds. Food was my source of comfort, I self-medicated with food when I was happy, sad, or mad.  My journey to weight loss has had many bumps in the road as I have lost and gained weight many times over the years. However, in July of 2012, I made a rock-solid decision to never eat past full again. After much preparation and as a last resort I had a gastric sleeve procedure. My health has improved, I do not have to take blood pressure medicine and my knee does not hurt. God asks us to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, today I eat to live no longer do I live to eat. You can read my story in Tracie Miles book “Your Life Still Counts.”

Life changing events that have occurred. I married my husband Doug in 1970 after high school graduation. I became a mom in 1974 and again in 1977. My mother passed away in 1977. I returned to college in 1984 and in 1999 I graduated with my Master’s Degree in Nursing. I have practiced as a Registered Nurse since 1989. In 1992 I became a home health nurse and then began my career in management. I became a grandma in 2002 and now have five natural grandchildren and one by marriage. In 2010, I gave up nursing management and became a nursing case manager who help patients. I have loved every moment in my career from caring for patients with HIV to assisting the homeless in the hospital. I just lost my dad November 20, 2017, who was a tentmaker–he always preached but always had to work. So instead of being a preacher’s kid, I am a Tentmaker’s Daughter.

I invited Jesus as my Savior when I was eleven years old. I have been a discussion leader for Bible Study Fellowship. I have been a Sunday School teacher/director for 2 and 3-year-old children. I had the rare opportunity to go to Israel and share my testimony in 1995 in Nazareth where two people accepted Christ. In 1997, I went to TaTa, Hungary with Emanuel Faith and we served missionaries on retreat by taking care of their children. There was a group of us children leader’s who led a program similar to Vacation Bible School. I have been with Freedom In Christ ministry team since 1996, we have led countless people through Neil Anderson’s “Steps to Freedom.” Currently, I serve at Proverbs 31 ministry as a small group leader. I love Dr. Michelle Bengtson and her message of Hope and actively promote her book Hope Prevails.

I love to write and read the Bible.  Of course, when there is an opportunity, I love spending time with my grandchildren.

Lastly, I thank God for the opportunity to serve God with my writing, I hope that my writing influences your life. My dad left me a legacy of his sermons that I hope to share. Friends come and go but God and Jesus are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 

Blessings, Diana


  • Reply
    Melinda McMenomey
    January 19, 2016 at 9:04 am

    ♥May We Highlight You?♥

    Hi Diana,      

    My name is Melinda McMenomey …We have not met face to face, but I came across your blog and I was really impressed and inspired by your message!
    We would like to visit more with you about being highlighted on our website TheLaundryMoms.com in the upcoming months.

    We believe these highlights allow the featured Guest a new audience as well as offer your audience a glimpse at who we are.

    Please let us know if this opportunity is something you would like to visit more about! 

    Keep us posted!


    Melinda McMenomey
    PR Director for Angela Rose

  • Reply
    February 21, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    These photos are abtlluseoy amazing. I love them. They definitely are a tear-jerker .in a good way. Kim & Andrew are such an attractive couple. Amy, you are extremely talented and I enjoy looking at your work. Cheers!

  • Reply
    August 5, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Your poetry encourages me to keep going…by the way I also nominated you…https://mirandasmissionwithapurpose.wordpress.com/2016/08/06/gotatheliebsteraward/

    • Reply
      August 6, 2016 at 3:18 pm

      Dear Miranda, Thank you, Blessings Diana

  • Reply
    Jessie van Rooyen
    December 9, 2019 at 8:40 am

    Hi Diana

    Thank you for your blog.

    I am a homeschool mom in Namibia, Africa. I was looking for topics for our Bible lessons for next year, and decided to start of with the attributes/characteristics of God. So – I came upon your blog.

    I’m so excited now – I decided to use your alphabetical list together with the sounds the children must learn.
    My youngest will be in Grade one next year.

    Please just note that, on your blog, if you want to enter the pages to the next letters, the computer gives you an error message: C, N, P, S, W, X

    Thank you and may God bless you abundantly.


  • Reply
    Karen Roberts
    December 10, 2020 at 9:31 am


    God has used you mightily. Thank you for submitting to the Lord and allowing Him to lead you on your life adventure. The Word of the Lord does not return void. It accomplishes what God planned. Your blog is a blessing that keeps on giving.

  • Reply
    Norma Lutgen
    February 19, 2024 at 10:12 am

    Diana, I believe that your phone call yesterday was directed by God because I was having a very difficult time dealing with my emotions. Thank you for being so kind and understanding of the situation we were discussing and for sharing your website with me. I look forward to following your inspirational writings. Just to let you know how God works, this morning when I started reading your blog and I saw you are going through the chronological Bible and you are studying Job……that is exactly what I’m doing and where I’m reading. Only God! There are so many other similarities. I’m a mom, grandmother, I’ve had the sleeve surgery and lost 75 pounds. I work at my church as the Financial Administrator and love serving Him in this way. May God continue to touch many lives for His glory and His Kingdom.

    • Reply
      February 28, 2024 at 10:42 am

      Dear Norma, thank you so much. I am so thankful for you. We have a lot in common. Blessings Diana

  • Reply
    Norma Lutgen
    February 19, 2024 at 10:14 am

    God Bless You!

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