

Day 1 of Advent

The scarlet cord intertwines a legacy that continues. Hannah cried out to God for a child, her prayer for a child to dedicate to the Lord now had a task to fulfill for God. God sends Samuel to the home of Jesse. The future king lives here. God knows the hearts of all of Jesse’s sons. Samuel looks over the sons of Jesse judging each one, seeking, looking and the Lord does not confirm any of these sons.

Samuel asks, “Do you have more sons?”

Jesse says, “Yes, he is in the field attending the sheep.”

Samuel says, “Send for him.”

David arrives, he is dark and handsome with beautiful clear eyes. The Lord confirms that David is the chosen King. 1 Samuel 16:22

Samuel looked on the outward appearance of the brothers but our Lord looks at the heart.

Ann points that humanity looks at appearance. What do you have your eyes set on this holiday season? This year I am trying to not get caught up in appearances.

I am trying to focus on what I have not what I don’t. I am choosing gratitude instead of an attitude of discontent. Ann asks, “Is my life about the heart of things? Is my Christmas? Am I deeply absorbed in Him and the heart of things? Or is my life a shallow absorption with surfaces?

How is your soul keeping? How are your priorities?

God never stops looking at the heart.

Ann says each day of this Advent we will enter deeper into the story of Christ.

A= Adore Him

D=Devote Yourself to Him

V=Victoriously serve Him

E=Eternity with Him

N=Nestle close to Him

T=Trust Him with all your heart.

What do you want to see with fresh eyes this Christmas?

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