31 Day Writings Uncategorized

Adventures on the dusty road, “do not be dismayed, be amazed”

Beloved, our dusty road is muddy today as God blessed us with some rain. I’ve been off the last two days for vacation and Christmas is two days away. I just finished an advent study called “Pointing To The Promise,” with Proverbs31.org.

The study can still be located on the First Five Application. Daily, I’ve studied scripture on the birth of Jesus. In one of the messages, Kayla Ferris writes, why did God go to the trouble? Why be born in this messy, painful world? Dr. David Jeremiah posed the same question, why the nativity? Kayla writes she wanted to find the perfect description–what Christmas really means.

This is the profound statement, “Jesus was born, so He could die for you and me. We are so precious to Him.”


Our word today is dismayed. The definition of dismayed is to cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress. Dismay is in the Bible twenty times, and the word dismayed eighteen times but none of the verses were associated with the birth of Jesus.

However, if I let my imagination carry me away, the pure sight of an angel would have caused me consternation and distress yet Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38. Joseph was greatly distressed as he was faced with Mary’s pregnancy. He even thought about divorcing her. Yet the angel appeared in a dream. Joseph–he protects Mary, and later makes their way to Bethlehem.

The Lord went ahead of Joseph and Mary so the Old Testament scriptures were fulfilled.

Jesus fulfilled at least 300 prophecies in his earthly ministry. Yet many do not believe in the Bible.

In Deuteronomy 31: 8, Jesus promises to never leave us or forsake us. We do not have to fear. This is a great promise for this Christmas season.

May we be accepting of what God’s plan are for us as Mary.

May we listen and follow directions as well as Joseph.

May we look forward daily to what the Lord has for us as Simeon.

May we be willing to drop what we are doing like the shepherds to find Jesus.

May we offer our gifts like the wise men.

On my dusty road, for Christmas I will be with my husband, son and Kimberly. Merry Christmas.

Father God, thank you for Jesus, He is the reason for the season. Thank you for Kayla Ferris writing the study, Pointing to the Promise. Thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for those reading my blog. I would be remiss if I didn’t pray for healing for Helen, and Ryleigh. Pain relief for Nancy and Michelle. My sweet friend Kath has much going on and is separated from her son and grandson. Lord, would you bless Crissy and Shannon and Rachelle. I pray that you provide for Susie and Carolyn and Cebrina who are sick as is my brother and his wife. Lord, bless Ginny and her family. May you bless Barbie and her family. As always, Lord there are many sick in the hospital and if it is your will may they go home for Christmas. May we draw close to you Lord.

In Jesus’s name. Amen.

“Don’t be dismayed, be amazed, because Jesus- His name was called Jesus.”

How will you respond to Jesus on Christmas on your dusty road?



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