31 Day Writings Uncategorized

Adventures on the dusty road involve waiting and renewal.

Beloved, there is such hope as we begin the new year. We began our journey of reading God’s word and looked at the word strength yesterday. Today, our verse states that those who wait on the Lord renew their strength.


Our verse is found in Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength: They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Sweet friend, I’ve often called this verse my exercise verse, notice run and not be weary, walk and not faint. However, renewing your strength is what I am most interested in. The writer says those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.


Our word is wait. The definition of wait is to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens. The word wait is in the Bible 123 times.

Moses teaches us in Psalm 90: 12

Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.

Noah knew much about waiting. He waited until the right time to load the animals, and he waited for the right time to unload the animals.

So Noah waited seven more days and sent out the dove from the ark again.”  Genesis 8: 4

Additionally we are told the benefits of waiting in Psalm 27: 14

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart be courageous. Wait for the Lord.”


From the Bible reading of Psalm 8, Psalm 104 and John 1: 1-3, I love the way the Psalmist describes creation. King David in Psalm 8 declares how magnificent the Lord is throughout the earth. He states that the Lord covered the heavens with His majesty. God silences his enemies. King David marvels at the creation and the details of God’s handiwork. Psalm 104 is much longer and the descriptions are wild. Take time to marvel at the vision that is painted as every detail is remembered of creation. I penned many in my journal as I read. The verse–May the glory of the Lord endure forever, may the Lord rejoice in His work. Beloved, may we rejoice in His work.

As you go for your run or your walk, admire the sky, the clouds, the trees, the wild flowers, even the weeds. Yes, God created a masterpiece for us.

Tomorrow we continue out reading in Genesis 3-5 where we visit temptation. But for today let’s focus on John 1: 1-3 that  Jesus was there in the beginning.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.”

W= Only one way to God through Jesus the Word.

O= Obedience is the key

R=Renewal is the benefit

D=Devotion is the outcome

How did the author of the Psalms paint a picture using word pictures?

Read Genesis 1:1 and John 1: 1-3  and take a moment to worship Jesus as the Creator of all that is.

Walking this dusty road, brings me to the conclusion that God’s grace is sufficient to meet all of my needs and I do not have to be weary, I can be renewed.


Father God, thank you for the journey on this dusty road. Help me to walk faithfully with you. Thank you for the inspiration and the words you give me to write, may they bless those reading this blog. I pray that You will be glorified. Thank You for the Bible and for Creating the world. In Jesus’s name. Amen.





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