31 Day Writings Uncategorized

Adventures on the dusty road often includes waiting

Beloved, recently my telephone stopped receiving texts from Karen. Karen notified me when she didn’t hear from me asking if something was wrong. I discovered a problem with my telephone. So, troubleshooting with the provider, we figured it out. However, he convinced me to purchase a plan to protect the computer, television, and our phones. I am not sure why? But I changed my plan, however, he sold me an entry level plan and the internet on the phone was awful. To make matter worse, I had to wait until the office opened this morning to change back to my original plan. Now, one might think this is not a big deal, waiting, but I had all the different scenarios running through my head. For example, the company will not let me change my plan, so, I had trouble falling asleep.

Our word today is wait. Wait is in the Bible 123 times. Psalm 27: 14 says, “Wait on the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord.”

Let’s be honest waiting is hard. Whether you are waiting for your mate to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? For your daughter or son to return to faith in Jesus Christ. Are you waiting for healing from an illness? Or restoration of a relationship?

Bible Study

Beloved, there are many examples of waiting in the Bible. Noah waited for his community to respond to the message, yet, he worked on the ark. Then when the time was right Noah and his family with the animals entered the ark. They waited for the right time to come out of the ark. Read this verse with me. ” So, Noah waited seven more days and sent out the dove from the ark again.” Genesis 8:10 and “After he had waited another seven days, he sent out the dove, but it did not return to him again.” Genesis 8:12.

The next people are Abraham and Sarah. They both ran ahead of God’s plan, but ultimately trusted God and Issac was born. Sarah was well past childbearing when she conceived Issac. Can you feel the angst of Abraham when he was asked to sacrifice Issac? Abraham fully believed that God could raise Issac from the dead if he killed him. But, in those moments of waiting, God provide another sacrifice.

Hannah was accused of being drunk and she was in the temple praying for a child that she waited for the miracle.

Ruth waited with her mother-in-law for a redeemer and His name was Boaz.

Esther waited for the right time to save the Jewish people.

Daniel waited to be let out of the lion’s den.

Jesus waited on God to start his ministry.

Are you in God’s waiting room?

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; I wait for you all day long. Psalm 25:5


“Waiting on the Lord”

Karen L Clark

Seek me my children

In whatever you do

Ask for my will

I’m here, waiting on you.


Look into my word

For guidance in Life

It’s found in the pages

It’s what brings you my light.


I wish for communion

I’m waiting to hear

From all my creation

And all I hold dear


A heart that is seeking

And longing to be

Walking each hour

Daily walking with me


I’m here for you always

I’m eager to convey

My will and my blessings

Into your life each day


Just walk with me daily

And you will surely know

That I am with you always

Wherever you may go.

permission to share granted by Karen L. Clark


Waiting can be hard. What can we learn as we wait in God’s waiting room. According to the internet, Noah learns from waiting. He learned about obedience and trust in God’s plan. He followed God’s instructions to build the ark and waited patiently for the floodwaters to recede, demonstrating his faith in God’s protection.  Abraham learns– He learned about faith and trust in God’s promises. Despite his old age, he believed that God would fulfill His promise of making him the father of many nations.

Let’s look at what Hannah learns? She learned about perseverance and the power of prayer. Her heartfelt prayers and patience were rewarded with the birth of Samuel, whom she dedicated to God’s service.

Lastly, what did Jesus learn? He learned about submission to God’s will and timing. He waited until the right moment to begin His ministry, showing us the importance of aligning our actions with God’s timing.

As my friend Karen so eloquently said God is always with us wherever we go, He is with you while you wait, you are not forgotten.


Father God, May I trust you with every area of my life. Every unanswered prayer may we trust that in Your timing Your will is right. Lord, I pray for the one who is suffering as they walk on the dusty road with Jesus.  Lord, I pray for those that are struggling in relationships and with children. May we be eager to read your word, pray for others, and boldly share the good news.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Do you have something simple causing you to lose sleep? I didn’t need to lose sleep; I was able to work out my telephone concerns. Oh, sweet friend what is concerning you? How does this blog apply to you?


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