31 Day Writings

Adventures on the dusty road with Jesus involve smelling the roses

Beloved, the news has been hard to watch, in 2018 traveling to Asheville, North Carolina for a retreat; I had the privilege of staying at the Billy Graham Conference Center.  The retreat focused on rest, a rest retreat. I fell in love with North Carolina. My beloved Proverbs 31 organization is located there. Do you have family in the hurricane areas? Have you contributed to the relief efforts?

Part of my family is in California; both of my sons are grown and have families of their own. So, I don’t have little ones at home. How many of you have little ones still at home?

Although I work three days a week, I’ve time for rest, Bible Study and prayer.  I think we make time for the things we are most interested.

We only have one legitimate fear object and that is Jesus. Who is Jesus and how does He rate in your life?

In our verse, “Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24

In this instance fear is reverence, holy awe, giving Him your first fruits. Speaking of Proverbs 31.org, Lysa Terkheurst developed an app of reading your Bible the first five minutes of the morning. It is called First Five. There is a devotion tied to scripture. A way to be in the word first thing of the morning.

Serve Him- What ways are you serving Jesus? I’ve volunteered most of my life from teaching Sunday School to leading Bible Studies and writing this blog.

What great things has he done for you?

The greatest thing he did for me is to save me from my sins. We are the fragrance of Christ.

For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15

Here is a poem from Karen L. Clark


Karen L. Clark

Jesus in my garden

His fragrance is pure

So clean and so sweet

His perfume endures.


The rose of all roses

An Orchid in bloom

He fills me with joy

With His sweet perfume.


His fragrance, it lingers

It’s everywhere I go

Watering my spirit

Refreshing my soul.


The Lord, He is beautiful

And as He comes near

His presence grows stronger

I’ve nothing to fear


When I think upon Him

And His marvelous soul

I humble myself

He’s more precious than gold.


It’s my desire

To walk in His sight

Through forest and field

All made with His might.


All for a purpose

All for a plan

No waste of time

To create precious man.

posted by permission of Karen L. Clark.

As I walk the dusty road with Jesus, the fragrance of Jesus, is everywhere. We have to slow down and smell the roses. Will you make Jesus a priority? Will you return to the first love? Reading Revelation 1 and 2, the people are guilty of many things but primarily of not loving Jesus as they once did. Do you love Jesus? He is more precious than gold.


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