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  • 28 Day

    Wonderful Are the Prayers of King David

    Beloved, if I could teach a class on prayer and you were a student, the first element I would teach would be PRAISE! King David demonstrates this in his prayers to…

  • Devotion

    Fake Christian Beloved, this is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad. Recently, I was called a fake Christian. What do you do when you are…

  • Devotion

    Prayers of a King to a King. Create in me a pure heart, O God! Beloved, why is prayer so difficult? Have you heard someone say, “there is nothing left to…

  • Five Minute Fridays

    To God Be The Glory Hello, beloved friend, I have missed writing encouraging words from the Lord. For some time now, the desire to write has been stirring in my soul, …