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31 Day Writings

  • 31 Day Writings

    Are You A Morning Person? 

    Are You A Morning Person? Are you a morning person, when I was younger I was not a morning person? However, after being introduced to having a quiet time I desired…

  • 31 Day Writings

    When have you failed? 

    When have you failed? Beloved, failure is a part of life, but some fear failure. Our word fails and is in the Bible 84 times.  John F. Kennedy said, “Those who…

  • 31 Day Writings

    God gives good gifts

    God gives good gifts. What is a unique gift you have ever received? The word gift is in the Bible 118 times, and the definition is a thing given willingly to…

  • 31 Day Writings Uncategorized

    Light of the world

    Light of the world As a Sunday School teacher teaching about creation, I would turn out the lights to emphasize light dispels darkness. Light is so important to us, not only…

  • 31 Day Writings

    Think On These Things

    Think On These Things When I learned that we should take the thoughts we think captive to the Lord; I began to pay attention to what I was thinking about myself.…