Beloved, the dusty road I live on is a windy road full of twists and turns, one must climb a hill, Sometimes in life, one feels like she is climbing a…
31 Day Writings
Beloved, on my dusty road, there are wild flowers galore. In a previous post, I shared how the Queen Ann Lace is one of my favorite, but then we have daisy’s,…
Beloved, the dusty road continues each day, my motto in life is putting one foot in front of the other. To walk on a dusty road one needs sturdy shoes. Jesus…
Beloved, I love the dusty road I travel daily; seeing bunnies, turtles, and an armadillo today was beautiful. Tonight, a doe, a deer, was on our street; it was breathtaking. The…
Beloved, the dusty road is long and a trek if you climb the hill to the train track above our house. Our dusty road winds and twists and turns, the gravel…
Beloved, the dusty road I live on has wild flowers, Queen Anne’s Lace are my favorites. Additionally, cows live on our road. Daily I see rabbits, and sometimes a deer or…