Adventure Creates Expectancy Day 3 Beloved, the dusty road that I live on and travel to and from every day is a famous road. Perhaps, the road you live on is…
31 Day Writings
Adventure Continues Day 2 Beloved, the dusty road with Jesus is filled with pebbles, rocks, gravel, dirt, and when the rain comes big mud puddles. Daily to go to the city…
The Adventure Begins Dusty Road 1 The dusty road is well-traveled Jesus shoes shod with grace and humility. Beloved, our verse today to shape our travel is Jeremiah 29: 11 For…
Beloved, our word is deliberate. The definition of deliberate is done consciously and intentionally. Deliberate is in the Bible four times and is the word for the five-minute Friday group of writers. Thoughts…
Beloved, our word is soon. The definition of soon is in or after a short time. Recently, I had a cataract removed from my right eye, and I expected my vision…
Beloved, our word persists. Persists definition is to continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure. Persists is only is the…