Have you ever wished you would have said what was in your head sooner? The day was long, the road had a detour only three miles but it knocked the wiring…
What is the first bible verse that you learned? Most will say John 3:16 for me I learned a verse about sheep, Isaiah 53:6. Sunday school and Girl’s Auxiliary taught me…
Five Minute Friday- a time to write for five minutes then join other amazing writers. WEAK I am weak but Thou art strong Jesus keep me from all wrong I’ll be…
Read Matthew 5: 13 This verse has a name true of all Christians. Have you ever taken a bite of food expecting it to taste sweet and it was salty or…
31 Day Writings 52 List Bible Study Bible Verses Book Category Book Reviews Five Minute Fridays Gratitude Live Free Thursday One Word 2017 One Word Wednesday OneWord365 Psalm Sunday Thrive Tuesday at Ten Uncategorized Whispers
Wisdom Always Comes From God
It ‘s impossible for God to do anything evil; no way can the Mighty One do wrong. Job 34:11 Read Job 32-34 We meet a younger man…
Job’s friends came and for a week they did not say a word, “Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a…