Beloved, have you ever voiced the question ‘Why?’ “Why God?” is often asked when a child is sick, there is not enough money to pay your bills, a husband strays, your…
God is so good. He is good all the time. Do you believe that God is Good? I am in Bible Study Fellowship this year, we are studying Acts and the…
Introduction When I arrived home my husband was just letting the babysitter go home, I came in through the garage, and when I didn’t see Dale our three-year-old, I asked, “Where…
Introduction Recently, while babysitting my nephew’s children, one had hit the other with a shovel, before you freak out the three-year-old was probably getting even with the six-year-old and did not…
Introduction Have you ever been so heart-broken that you cried out to the Lord? In our Psalm today, King David is reeling from the news of Absalom his son and you…
Introduction We are building a two bedroom, with a loft small house and the rain has prevented us from getting very far. However, today they are pouring concrete, this means that…