Write for an audience of one is a title of a teaching that Dr. Michelle Bengtson did for Proverbs 31’s Compel. Compel is an educational website for writers.
A trick of the trade is to write to a person, to know whom you are writing. Some have a description of the person in their head. Dr. Michelle suggests that we write for an audience of one, and that one is God.
When I write, I have no guarantee that you as the reader wants to read what I write, I check every day to see if someone comments. Comments are the frosting on the top of what I write. Comments encourage me so much, however, there are many posts that I do not get any comments. You see, I write for an audience of one.
God is my inspiration, the Bible is the Word of God which gives me fuel for my writing. I don’t exactly know when I answered the call to write to God but I have put many words down for you to read.
My audience is whomever God wants to read this blog. I give all the glory and credit to him. Thank you for being my audience.
Father God, I write for the audience of one, You. I ask that You bless whoever reads this blog. I am in awe that I have a blog to share with this audience I have to read the words that You give me.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a goodwork in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6.
Thank You for the work you are doing in each one of us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.