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#daywiriting #revival #restoration

    31 Day Writings

    Restore, restoration leads to revival

    Beloved, our word is to restore–restore is in the Bible 122 times with the definition of restore is to bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate. Restoration occurred many times in the Bible. As we talk about revival, restoration is the goal of a revival–restoration of a soul.

    Beloved, we are the sheep of his pasture. That is what restoration is all about–for those who accept Jesus. We are born into the family of God. Restoration can be healing–a time to confess and turn from your sin.

    Then we will not turn back from You; Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.Lord God of armies, restore us;
    Make Your face shine upon us, and we will be saved. Psalm 80:18-19

    So what happens in a revival?

    Usually, after weeks of preparation, prayer and meetings occur. Consider Billy Graham’s crusades. He started in 1949 in Los Angeles with city-wide meetings, which went from three weeks to eight weeks. A subsequent 12-week Crusade in London (1954) brought him international recognition, and a 16-week Crusade in New York (1957) confirmed his position as one of history’s leading Christian evangelists.

    My father, not of the fame of Billy Graham, would carry a piano in the back of his truck and pull up on a street corner and start singing. From there, he would present the good news of Jesus Christ.

    What might you need to be restored? Everyone has a story. Your story can be used to bring someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Restoration can occur in a heartbeat. God is in the business of forgiveness.

    So many stories of restoration in the Bible. One of my favorites is of the woman who was bleeding. Women who had their monthly cycles were considered ceremonially unclean. This woman continually had an issue with bleeding. Finally, she hears that Jesus is coming to town and remember she is ceremonially unclean but decides if she can touch the hem of the garment of Jesus, she will be healed.

    She came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. Luke 8:44.

    Jesus immediately knew and asked, “Who touched me?” Beloved, this restoration could only happen if the woman acknowledged her need. We have to ask to be restored.

    God is so faithful.

    Father God,

    Thank you that you are a God of restoration. Thank you that you love us enough to restore our dreams and hopes.

    I give you my anxiety and concerns. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

    What area of your life needs restoration?