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#Diana Rockwell

  • write31days_diana_how
    31 Day Writings

    How does God love you?

    How do I love you let me count the ways? God loves us with an everlasting love. He cares for us. We read in Jeremiah 31:3 about how God loves us.…

  • write31days_Diana_inspire
    31 Day Writings

    3 Ways to be Inspired

    What inspires you? Reading a good book, walking on a walking trail, listening to a speaker are all ways to gain inspiration. God inspires me through praying, reading His Word and…

  • Write31days_Diana_day5
    31 Day Writings

    Share Your Faith

    Sharing is the action behind the word share. Beloved, how are you sharing your faith? My story continues, I share really well. Remembering, my childhood, my mother shared. She taught me…

  • 31 days free writes, day 4, Why
    31 Day Writings

    Why Did God Allow This?

    When my children were small, they could ask more Why questions? The question Why makes me ponder. Sometimes I ponder God’s goodness and when I am struggling for an answer. Like…

  • 31days2018_Diana_day3
    31 Day Writings

    I Believe in Jesus.

    I can hear the song, I Believe In Every Drop of Rain That Falls. I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe He is the way, the truth, and the Life and…