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  • Thanksgiving
    Bible Study

    November, a time of thanksgiving

    Thankfulness must be cultivated. Beloved, do you agree with this statement? Criticalness can become a way of life. Do you know anyone with a critical spirit? Sometimes criticalness can become a…

  • write31days_31_Diana
    31 Day Writings

    Grow Close To Jesus

    How to grow close to God is three easy lessons, pray, pray, and pray. God is so good that He gave us prayer as a vehicle to grow closer to God.…

  • write31days_30_Diana
    31 Day Writings

    Lifting My Voice

    A song I love to sing, I Love You, Lord. The words say I love you, Lord and I lift my voice, to worship you, Oh my soul rejoice, Take joy my King…

  • write31days_29_Diana
    31 Day Writings

    Together Again

    Today, I sit and struggle with loneliness. I recently returned from a friend’s house and we attended a She Found Joy meeting. Being together with other Christian women was just what…

  • write31days_23_Diana
    31 Day Writings

    3 Common Traps Satan Uses

    Common’s definition occurring, found, or done often; prevalent–“salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings.” Satan easily traps us by common deceit. We see the first common deception in Genesis 3…

  • write31days_19_Diana

    Who Am I?

    Who am I? More importantly, who am I in the community that I live? Right at the moment, I am a stranger to everyone I meet. You see we just moved…