Five-Minute Friday a time to write for five minutes on a word. The word this week is rain.
Beloved, do you love the rain? There is nothing sweeter than the smell of rain and the day after the rain the air is so crisp and clean. Rain is a blessing from God. However, the first rain was for punishment. Noah was told to build an ark. God had decided that the people were evil and unless there was repentance, He would destroy the earth. He did this with rain that became a flood. Noah listened to God, built the ark. God gave the people a sign that He would not destroy the earth again by a flood. That sign was a rainbow.
Father God, thank you for the blessing of rain. Thank you that you sent your son so that we have redemption from our sins. Thank you that we are free in Christ. Let your blessings flow through us. In Jesus’ name. Amen
What does the blessing of rain signify to you?