Do you struggle when asking for help? Beloved, I do, the other day, my husband had left, and I decided to make a roast. This involved cooking with the Instant Pot, which is in a high cabinet. No problem; I climbed up on the step ladder to the top rung and pulled out the Instant Pot. However, I then needed to come down off the step ladder.
God’s plan for Adam
“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18 KJV.
God’s Plan
Beloved, God created every good thing in the world; he created the animals, and Adam’s first job was to name the animals. After naming the animals, not one of the animals could fill the role of a help meet for Adam.
So God created woman from Adam’s rib. To be by his side, not over him.
Bible Study Fellowship shares that God met Adam’s need for companionship and fulfillment. On page 4 of BSF Lesson 2, we read, “God personally, miraculously and intimately created Eve. Creation was not complete until God created a woman to steward the earth alongside the man. God designed the differences between men and women to complement one another.”
Beloved, I am so thankful I am a woman and not a man.
As I was standing on the step ladder alone in the fifth wheel, I wondered why I did not ask for my husband to get the Instant Pot down before he left. Taking the lid off the pot, I slid it down to the floor, minimizing the weight. Carefully, I stepped down, safely, not falling or dropping the pot.
Father God, thank you that you created us for a relationship. Thank you for our husbands, family, and friends. Thank you that when we ask, we find help. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Do you ask for help? Is it hard to ask for help? Will you ask for help the next time you need help?