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    Adventures on the dusty road with Jesus involve praising God- a book review

    Beloved, on the dusty road with Jesus, every day we have a choice to make, we can praise God, or we can grumble and complain. The verse today, ” I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, my God. I will sing praises to you with the lyre, Holy One of Israel.” Psalm 71:22

    My good friend, Dr. Michelle Bengston, a neuropsychologist, writes books and her latest one is Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Presence That Your Past Is Not Wasted. Her book released on June 25, 2024.


    Praising God defines Dr. Michelle’s life. When we first met, I learned what we say matters. For example, how often have you said, “This is driving me crazy.” She taught me to be careful what I said and to take my thoughts captive to the Lord.  The few times we were fortunate to be together, we always had a time of praise. We experienced a good time filled with laughter, reading God’s Word, writing in the sand, and personally I miss hearing her laugh the most.

    Her first book, Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression, is an award-winning book that has helped many people. I remember the launch of this book. You see, sweet friend, I am an avid fan of Dr. Michelle Bengtson.

    If you are my Facebook friend, recently, I have been promoting her latest book Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Presence That Your Past Is Not Wasted, and what she writes on the back cover encapsulates the book so well. 

    From the Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Presence That Your Past Is Not Wasted back cover: She writes, 

    We all endure trials, pain, and hardship in this life. The enemy often uses those experiences to convince us that our brokenness disqualifies us from ever being used by God again–that we can no longer be a testimony because of our emotional or physical scars. The truth is, your past pain and brokenness serve as preparation for what God wants to do in you and through you, if you will, but surrender to and trust in him.

    In Sacred Scars, neuropsychologist and fellow sufferer Dr. Michelle Bengtson helps you

    · understand suffering through a biblical perspective

    · discover how the trials of your life serve a purpose

    · reflect on the healing that God has accomplished

    · comfort others with the comfort God has given you

    Just as Jesus’s scars didn’t disappear after his resurrection, our scars tell our story and lend credence to our testimony of the love and power of God. If you are ready to turn your past pain into present comfort and future hope, let Dr. Bengtson be your compassionate guide.

    My Review

    My thoughts—the reassurance that God uses my pain, that God uses my scars, and that He knows where I am. There are so many wonderful sticky statements in this book. 

    One of the statements, “You are not your past. While the pain of your past may inform you, it isn’t and doesn’t determine your identity. God does.”

    Dr. Michelle encourages fellow sojourners in every page with the Bible hero’s and stories of fellow survivors, prayers, and play list. She writes,   “When healing comes and scars emerge, the pain no longer exists, despite the memories of a painful past. And the lessons we learn along the journey inform who we are going forward.” page 117

    Sweet friends, only Jesus can fill and fulfill us, this book points to the Great Physican as the Ultimate Healer.

    Here is the link to Amazon: sacred scars michelle bengtson.   

    Additional to see the book on her website please go to:

    Each chapter ends with a Scarred Perspective and a prayer and a playlist

    Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

     Michelle’s words to the Lord. Make them yours sweet friend.

    “Father, when despair and discouragement cloud our vision, help us to place our faith in you. Jesus didn’t give up, and we have his DNA, so help us not to give up either. Help us to hold on in faith, persevere knowing you aren’t done yet and trust you with the outcome. And when we’ve done everything, we know to do, help us to stand and wait expectantly for you. In Jesus’s name. Amen” page 148