Hello, my Beloved Sisters in the Lord. This is the beginning of week two for reading Psalm 119. Here is your reading plan, it is doable right? We are to…
FearFive Minute Friday a time to write without fear. Creaking, moving, shaking, the bridge moved with every step that I took. This bridge has since been replaced but as a child…
Someday I will Tuesday At Ten… When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, “What will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?”…
Better Together Coffee with Holley Gerth The question this week is who in your life lives these words: “I don’t have it all together. But I believe we’re better together.” She…
When my “but” gets in the way “Live-Free Thursdays” When my “but” gets in the way………….. Opportunity knocks at the door, fear keeps the door closed. Doubts creep in the…
I Often Wonder Tuesday at Ten I often wonder ……….. is the writing prompt from Tuesday at Ten. My first thought was that song “I Wonder Wonder Who Wrote the…