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    Tuesday at Ten



    Linking up with Tuesday at Ten


    Last November, writing a series on thankfulness an exercise that stretched me beyond words. Living in thankfulness prevents one from sharing critical words that usually hurt a person instead of edifying him or her. What does it mean? “In all things, give thanks.” ! Thessalonians 5:18  Just that, give thanks.

    Job in the book of Job says should I thank God only for the God and then curse him for the hard things in life. Job lost everything even his health. His wife told him to curse God and that is when he said to her should I accept the good and not accept the bad.

    So what am I thankful for I love God and Jesus so I am thankful that I listened to the Holy Spirit when I was eleven-years-old,  I am thankful for my family of origin, although there were times I would have like to have not been poor, but I really never knew we were poor because I always had new school clothes and food to eat. Mom would make pancakes for supper in the lean times but we thought it was fun to have breakfast for supper.

    Gosh I am thankful for little things like heated seats in my car. mattress covers that are now heated, and Star Bucks. I am thankful for Amazon Prime as I have given away many books and it helps not having to pay for postage. I am thankful for Facebook because I am in touch with my childhood friends, cousins, and many friends that I may never meet but I feel so close to because we love the Lord.

    If we look at Adam and Eve, they we thankful that God provided clothes when they were in the Garden naked.

    If we look at Moses, he was thankful that Aaron, went to Pharaoh with him.

    If we look at Moses, he was thankful Joshua lead Israelites  into the promise land.

    If we look at Peter, he was thankful Jesus asked him to feed his sheep after he denied him three times.

    Beloved, I am thankful for each of you for taking the time to read my blog. What are you thankful for?

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