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    Bible Study

    Psalm 119 W4D5


    God created us. God gives us understanding, unfailing love, hope, compassion, preservation, and everlasting life.  God’s word is righteous. God’s word convicts. God’s word reassure. God’s word is hope. God’s word comforts. God’s word is worth learning and defending. God’s word removes fear and shame. God’s word is faithful. God’s word is filled with promises. God’s word rejoices. When I feel insignificant, God formed and made me with His Holy Hands. When I am afraid, I will rejoice and place my hope in God. When I am sick, I remember God’s faithfulness. When I feel neglected and abandoned, your love is a comfort and your compassion is a delight. When I suffer from the arrogant and evil doers, I will turn to you and your word. When asked where my hope comes from, I will turn to God. When I feel shame and my soul longs for a fresh touch from God, I will meditate on God’s word. When I feel alone and tired, I will turn my eyes to heaven, I will seek your promises, I will ask for comfort. When I feel stretched and pulled in too many directions, I will claim your promises. When I feel abandoned and do not know how much longer I can hold on with the threats I feel that wage war in my life, I will remember your unfailing love. When I question life, I will persevere because your word and love prevails. When I am afflicted, I will endure because your word is my delight. When I grow old, I will never forget your word, because your word and love preserved my life. For all of this, I am grateful.


    Beloved, God is good all the time and God all the time is good. God’s word is an active two-edge sword. Do you treasure God’s word?
