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    31 Day Writings

    Overwhelmed by the love of Jesus

    Beloved, our word is overwhelmed. The definition of overwhelmed is buried or drowned beneath a huge mass, defeated completely, or given too much of a thing to (someone); inundate. The word overwhelmed is in the Bible nineteen times.

    Jesus speaking to the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, says, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.” Mark 14:34. 

    Beloved, our world seems to be overwhelmed. The stressors of politics, financial worries, and extreme violence, not to mention we have just come out of a pandemic that people still are living with the consequences of the virus. So many are hurting.

    I’ve suffered a lot of illnesses in my life. Yes, I have felt overwhelmed at times. Once while being non-weight bearing after knee surgery, I fell and broke my wrist. There was a song that described the situation. Something beautiful, something good. All my confusion, He understood. All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife, and He made something beautiful out of my life.

    Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane shows us his humanity. Do you not relate to him? He is speaking to the disciples, and in his ministry of three years, he does not ask them to do much for him. He gives the command to follow me; he has them feed the 5,000. However, on this last night before his arrest, he asks Peter, John, and James to stay with him.

    He says to Peter, John, and James, “Sit here while I pray,” He goes a little further and prayed. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.” 

    His prayer,

    Abba,[f] Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

    Jesus was overwhelmed, yet, He entrusted himself to God.


    I find comfort in the humanity of Jesus. Jesus knows the future. He knew his. He faced it with dignity and grace. Jesus knew the crushing weight of what betrayal and sin feel like. Jesus was sinless. Yet we read in Romans 5: 8

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    Lysa Terkeurst wrote the book “You’re Going To Make It.” It is a devotional with morning and evening readings. The major theme is healing. Today’s reading is on the disappointment of life and how they can linger. Situations in which we have prayed countless prayers. Pleading with God to make things different. Perhaps a health crisis, an adult child that has chosen to walk away, a wayward teen, or a struggle with a habit or an addiction.

    Jesus understood betrayal, abuse, and being abandoned by people He should have been able to trust.

    In her book, she has these statements daily, today’s statement.

    Jesus was sinless, but He very much knew the overwhelming blows of being sinned against.”

    Sweet friend, I do not know what you are facing, but God does. I do not know who you need to forgive, but God does.

    Jesus Paid It All

    Jesus paid it all is another song that is one of my favorite songs. We can trust God with all of our troubles. Yes, all of our troubles.


    Father God,

    We can trust You. We do not have to be overwhelmed; You are an amazing God. You gave us Your Son while we were still sinners; He died for us. Lord, I pray for the woman who is hurting because her daughter or son may not be speaking to her. I pray for her emotions and her well-being as she waits for the prodigal child to return. Let her overwhelmed heart trust You and know that You love her. Lord, I pray for the woman that needs healing. So many are suffering, like me, with migraines, chronic fatigue, and allergies this time of the year. Lord, I pray specifically for Karen as she goes to the doctor.  I pray for those who are fighting cancer, Lori and Michelle.  I pray for chronic fatigue syndrome Nancy and Crissy and for Shannon’s Grandma, who is in hospice care. and those who need healing. Pain is a lonely road we walk, Lord, but I know Your love and power sustain us in pain. It seems we are in a hostile world Lord. I pray that we respond Christ-like to those that are hostile. Lord, I ask for the teens that are struggling and for the parents that are guiding them. Lord, I ask that You meet our needs physically, spiritually, and financially. Father, we give You all the glory and the honor in Jesus’s name. Amen.


    Who is God asking you to pray for?

    What is God asking you to do in response to the word overwhelm?