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#Soon #31daywritings.

    31 Day Writings

    Soon, sooner that later. Did I pray?

    Beloved, our word is soon. The definition of soon is in or after a short time. Recently, I had a cataract removed from my right eye, and I expected my vision to return much sooner than it did.

    The word soon is in the Bible 111 times. Wow, over 100 times, the word soon is used.


    As I scroll through the verses in the Bible, most of the verses signify time. As soon as this happens, this will happen. For example, take the verses on the plaques. As soon as Moses told Pharaoh what would happen, it happened.

    Moses answered, “As soon as I leave you, I will pray to the Lord, and tomorrow the flies will leave Pharaoh and his officials and his people.:” Exodus 8:29a

    However, I did find a lovely verse.

    As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. Matthew 3:16

    God, through the Holy Spirit, gives us our marching orders. What are marching orders? Those are the nudges to call your friend or text someone you haven’t thought of for a while to buy that person lunch. We hear the marching orders when we are praying. What is the Holy Spirit asking you to do?

    What are you waiting to happen soon? Will you wait, trusting that God is faithful?


    Karen had her surgery today sooner than later. Thank you for praying for my right eye. Vision return today, later than sooner but better than before. Please continue to pray.


    Father God,

    You are the alpha and the omega, the beginning, and the end. I am in awe that you give us our marching orders. That when we follow through, you enable us to do what you have given us. Please help us to choose obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit, Be with those who need healing sooner than later. Yet, I trust your timing above all else. In Jesus’s name. amen


    What might you need to release to God?

    Are you one who procrastinates? Will you do what God is asking you to do sooner?