
Your Life Still Counts-Day-27


“Living The Proof”

Have you ever made a timeline like Tracie did in Chapter 17?  One draws a timeline and writes significant events and one can see how God works in mysterious ways.  What Tracie saw was God’s faithfulness to her. She states she had never stopped to give God the credit for all He had done.  She shares how this book came to fruition. Tracie carried her pain for fourteen years until she released it and then fourteen years later God was ready to use her pain for a purpose through this book.

Other thoughts she shared that touched my heart are as follows:

I saw proof of God’s continual faithfulness despite my unfaithfulness,

Do you see God’s sovereign protection?

Will you believe I have been walking with you, orchestrating every day, and loving you without fail,

I now know God still loves me, despite me, and He always will.

He is a loving God.

[Tweet “Even when we are at the bottom of the darkest pit, He has plans to pull us out, carry us forth, and be glorified in this activity. Tracie Miles”]

He had a plan to use my sin to create a hunger for Him.

A plan to let my pain be for something.

He can turn your deepest heartache into your highest blessing and your strongest ministry.

[Tweet “God longs for us to see Him with great clarity, but we must first open our spiritual eyes to see what He wants us to see. Tracie Miles”]

[Tweet “He will never let our pain go to waste, if we trust in His promises and is a merciful God. Tracie Miles”]

He is a faithful, merciful promise keeper.

God has been building a masterpiece all along.

Leah DiPascal shares how violence touched her life as she was in a robbery with a pistol at her head. She was filled with fear and did not feel safe anywhere. Fear consumed her. She shares how she overcame her fear.

Beloved, let go and let God. God is faithful and a merciful promise keeper.

You are a masterpiece, my friend, God’s masterpiece.


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